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6 Tips for Effectively Telling Your Brand Story Over Email

Email is, in no doubt, the most effective marketing channel for businesses, always has been. It offers you a unique opportunity to engage with potential clients whenever you want, and talk about whatever you want.

However, to effectively connect with your audience, you’ll have to reach out to them on a much deeper level. And for that, you need to master storytelling.

Brand storytelling is essentially the art of building a meaningful bond with your prospective and existing clients by using narratives that convey your brand values and what it stands for.

Communicating the value of your brand in such a way helps form an emotional relationship with the audience. In fact, 92 percent of shoppers prefer to receive marketing content that feels like a story.

Also, storytelling is the 2nd most important attributes of effective B2B content marketing, according to Statista.

Now that you know how important strong brand storytelling can be for your brand, let’s look at six ways to effectively communicate your brand story over email.

1.  Share How You Started, Your Origin Story

We all love a decent origin story. When your storytelling covers the experiences of how you started your brand, you can successfully form a deep connection with your audience. It’ll also make them feel like there’s an actual human behind the brand – one who has been working really hard, making mistakes, and doing it all over to get to the point that you’re in today.

Sharing such brand stories will instantly make you relatable. You won’t be just another brand or someone rich, but be seen as a person with bad habits and missteps, virtues and flaws, just like every other human being, in essence.

Hence, one of the best ways to effectively convey your brand story to your audience is by sharing the story of how your brand started, your origin story.



2.  Don’t Hesitate to Show Your Flaws

When you share a story with your audience, they engage and pay attention. But the most important thing about effective storytelling is being able to show your flaws, your human side. It’s what makes your audience relate to your brand.

Most brands fail to do this and instead, tend to distance themselves from their customers and it’s certainly not going to help your business. What does help, and will make your audience love your brand more, is your casual, fun, human side.

This means you’ll have to reveal some things you normally wouldn’t. But do it anyway, share stories of your rough beginnings, embarrassments, failures, and so on – narratives that people can easily relate to. And of course, be funny for humor never fails!


3.  Feature Your Clients

Another incredibly effective way to engage with prospects via storytelling is by including your customer’s stories. Sharing a moving and inspiring narrative revolving around a client or customer of yours is an incredibly effective way to promote credibility.

So, for instance, you sell a great software or tool for writers, you can narrate a story surrounding a little bit about you as a writer, how the idea came about, and the problems you wanted to solve.

Then, you can include some narratives of your most loyal clients in a similar manner, where they can talk about their journey as a writer, the issues they came across, and how finding your product changed their life. In doing so, you’re not only gaining real brand allies and advocates but also helping your audience trust you more.



4. Your Email Layout Must Support The Story

Besides meeting basic email copywriting standards with well-formatted email layouts, you need to ensure that the layout propels your story as well.

Where you place your images and website links, and whether you bold your quotes are all key to an effective storytelling email. While you can go for a simple email with plain texts since it works best in most cases. This is because such emails don’t seem salesy rather it looks like one from a friend.

Nonetheless, it’s important to consider your brand personality when creating your email stories. For instance, it might make more sense for your emails to have some style. Images, graphics, and bold colors can all are great to add personality to your email stories. Plus, when your subject line game is on point, your views will go through the email swiftly and won’t stop reading.


5.  Make it Interactive

As mentioned earlier, standard, plain text emails do work best for most brands and might even do for you. However, you have to realize that you won’t be the only one trying to gain your prospects’ interests. After all, an average person receives 121 business emails a day.  Hence, there is a need to ensure that your emails stand out from the rest. This is where interactive content comes in.

Interactive emails prompt curiosity. As such, when you send such content, your subscribers will open your email gladly.

So, when telling your brand story over email, make sure you include interactive elements. For instance, you could use a video and allow your viewers to experience your narrative from a unique perspective. This way, your subscribers will have the option to either play the video or skip it, giving them a sense of control, which is compelling.

Other ways to make your story email more interactive is by incorporating quizzes, interactive infographics, or simple choice-based stories. Such interactive emails have the power to instill interest in your readers and engage them effectively.


6.  Create Superb, Reader-friendly Content

Finally, this is something you should definitely consider. It’s very important to make sure the content you offer to your readers is well written. For instance, it’s better to use simple, sensory language rather than jargon or complex words. This way, you’ll seem more like a friend instead of a brand that’s merely trying to sell.

You also need to make sure your content is reader-friendly. Nowadays, no one really reads – they just skim through it until they find something that sparks their interests. Only then, they might start reading.

Hence, see to it that you utilize plenty of bullet points, bold fonts, headings, and subheadings. Another thing you need to remember is to proofread your content. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors can affect your credibility.


Bottom Line

Sharing your brand story over email is among the most effective methods to create an impressive email, promote trust and credibility, and inspire your audience to take the preferred actions.

Make sure you implement our tips, experiment with new things, and most importantly, remember to be genuine. Keep in mind that reality sells, falsified brand marketing doesn’t.


About Author

Robert Jordan, a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience, currently working as Media Relations Manager at InfoClutch Inc, which offers most sought after technology database including SAP customers list, Salesforce clients list with other services. Have expertise in setting up the lead flow for budding startups and takes it to the next level. Have a deep interest in Email Marketing, B2B & Technology related discussions. Always open for new ideas & discussions. You can follow Robert on Twitter and Facebook.






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