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Why Lifelong Learning Is Not a Luxury but a Necessity

Life teaches you things. From the moment you are born, until the moment you die, you are in the constant process of acquiring new skills in order to cope. The pragmatics of modern life show that continuous learning and personal improvement have become the only way of surviving. This is why you have to make a decision to, apart from “picking up” things along the way, you start investing in your future.

It makes you good at what you do

One of the basic forms of lifelong learning is learning through personal experience. Looking at your career, this means you are gradually becoming better at tasks your job position entails. Even at a very basic level, e.g. working on a production line, you can become faster and more efficient through repetition. You have to show a serious lack of interest and make a conscious decision not to learn, in order to stay at the same level for a longer period of time.

It helps you advance your career

Even if you excel with the same set of skills you were hired for, you cannot move very far from your initial position without learning new skills. These skills may vary. They may be in the field of your expertise, or perhaps, management or leadership skills. You can gain them through experience, seminars, constant research, or specialized courses.

There will always be work for you

If you are prepared to learn and develop new skills, you can adjust to the changing needs of the job market. The current economy worldwide cannot guarantee you will stay in the same job for forty years. If you have been working on a new set of skills, or you are prepared to do so, even if you lose your employment, you will quickly be able to find work. Learn to prepare yourself for painless and smooth career changes.

Overcoming challenges

A challenge is nothing but an unfamiliar situation you may not be fully prepared for.  Learning can help you be ready at all times, or overcome obstacles with an ease. Learning to learn, be open, and grow your mindset is something you can start at a young age. You will never have issues coping in new environments. You can improve through constant learning, taking an occupational English course, or other certified courses that will help you choose and succeed in your chosen career path. These will not only improve your knowledge but also open you up to introspective.

Staying in touch with the present

In view of everything written above, and the fast scientific and technical developments of the modern society, lifelong learning is essential. Things seem to happen much faster than before and without constant advancement, your skills may quickly become obsolete. This is why you should invest in personal development and stay current.


There are plenty of things you need done every day that you cannot do yourself. If you learn simple tricks on how to handle things around you, you can save money by not hiring help every step of the way. You don’t have to cut your own hair, but you can learn how to do minor tweaks around the house, as well as proper maintenance. This can also include certain wellness and beauty routines, as well as many more tasks you come across every day.

You can live longer

Studies have shown that the more years of education you complete, the longer could your life expectancy be. From the results, we can conclude that better education often means a better lifestyle. However, it is not only about that, better education, also means more awareness and healthier habits. Furthermore, lifelong learning could lead to a constant cognitive development and brain activity and make you less prone to dementia.

Social awareness

In order to understand people, you need to be open to differences. The only way you can do so is by educating yourself about these difference, taking other perspectives, and knowing where people are coming from. This will not only help you foster healthy relationships in life but also understand society as a whole. With more people aware of the global issues, and ideas on how they can be resolved, the world can truly become a better place.

Apart from giving you the means to survive and improve your lifestyle, learning can boost your confidence. You will have a greater sense of self-worth and perhaps discover new things you enjoy. Studying something you are passionate about may be one of the greatest pleasures.



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