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The DIY Weekend Bootcamp to ROCK your Career

Bootcamp for Millennials

Has this week at work got you down? I’ve got the cure for you. Make this weekend all about you and your career. Forget pricey professional retreats. You can DIY your own professional development weekend. We’re going to destress, reenergize, and find some new direction for your work. Let’s get started!

Exercise & Breakfast
Rise and shine! Kick things off with some exercise. Go for a run, hit the weights, or just throw on some rockin’ tunes and dance around your apartment in your underwear. Wake your body up!
Finish up with a great breakfast. Get some protein in you and something packed with vitamins. Drink a full glass of clear, cold water.

What are you working towards?
Take an hour and think about your career goals. Where do you want your career to take you? What can you do to get there?
Make two lists: “Things I’m doing well” and “Things that are holding me back”
How can you capitalize on the first list to speed your career along? How can you improve or mitigate the second list?

Rock it with a delicious, healthy lunch, heavy on the veggies. If it’s a nice day, pack your lunch and go soak up some sunlight. Take a book with you — this is a good time to catch up on new developments in your field of work.

Who do you want to meet?
One of the keys to success is surrounding yourself with remarkable people. Reach out to some people you want to connect with today. Schedule a date to grab coffee together.
This is a good time to reconnect with some of your old professors and employers and ask them to introduce you to someone.
Call up some friends and treat yourself to a nice dinner!

Declutter and organize
A clean space equals a clean mind. Do the dishes, throw some laundry in the wash, take out the trash. It won’t take long, but it’ll do wonders for your thinking space. Sort through your digital space, too — clear out your inbox, respond to unanswered emails, unsubscribe from all those distracting newsletters and notifications you don’t need.

Disconnect and unwind
Wrap it up! Take a relaxing shower or bath. Turn off the screens and detox from electronics before bed — you’ll sleep better. See you in the morning!

Exercise & Breakfast
You know the drill. Move your body, eat healthy, frame your day.

Sharpen those marketable skills!
Learn something new this morning that will make you better at your job. Learn shortcuts for the software you have to use at work. Brush up on those foreign language skills. Read about a new technique or method to boost your productivity.
If you aren’t sure how, call up someone who can help!

Take an adventure lunch
Explore your local area. Hit up a new thrift store, or eat lunch at a cafe you’ve never been to. Experience something new, especially something run by a small business owner.

Brain it up!
Watch something that will make you think, like some TED Talks or a good documentary. While you’re watching, ask yourself “What can I take from this that applies to my career?”

Love yourself
Do something nice for yourself. Reconnect with that hobby you loved before you got busy with school and work. Visit a museum and reconnect with art. Forgive yourself for mistakes; celebrate your victories. You are enough.

Make a plan for the week
Get ready to rock your Monday. Set reminders for any meetings or deadlines coming up. Plan what you’ll wear. Pack your lunch if you brown-bag it.

Good night, and good luck!
Again, detox from electronics before bed. Relax and unwind with some meditation or nice, slow music. Get to bed early and get some rest! You’re going to do great this week!

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