There is a lot of buzz regarding the evolution of brick and mortar stores and what it means for the consumer experience. With the surge in online and mobile shopping, the golden questions is, how can we attract Millennial and GenZ consumers into a physical store today? We know that it is all about the E X P E R I E N C E, so we brought in Award Winning Retail Strategist and Author of The Pop-Up Paradigm, Melissa Gonzalez, as last week’s #MillennialTalk guest so that we could learn more about the latest trend taking over the world of retail…POP UP EVENTS!
Pop-Up Events or Pop-Up Shops are experiential activations hosted by brands and businesses in a specific location for a limited amount of time. Whether it is a new product launch or you want to test out a new market, pop-ups have many benefits. Pop-up events are the perfect way to give your consumer a great experience and get creative with influencer marketing to take your business to the next level.
Don’t take our word for it…read below to learn more!
Scroll down for a recap of this weeks Q&A:
@ChelseaKrost: Pop-up events are one of the latest trends that are taking the retail landscape by storm! Pop-up events are set up in a specific location for a set amount of time.
@MelsStyles: A pop-up event can be many things and can have various goals. There are pop-ups geared to be marketing activations and focus on a specific campaign message and building brand awareness. There are also pop-ups focused on testing the feasibility of longer term retail and are true market tests
@robynstevensPR: Plus, pop-ups have the flexibility to change up the experience for the customers and make the store truly unique – as oppose to the cookie cutter retail store.
@ChelseaKrost: There are so many great benefits to hosting a #popupshop or #popupevent likeeee
@MelsStyles: When you invite a shopper to your physical space you have the opportunity to truly immerse them in a 360 experience of “who you are”
@jlthrift: Testing your creations to new audiences with little overhead to worry about, since you rent your place for two or three days. You can get a sense on how things work out by surveying customers while you’re there and afterward, along with your bottom line.
@ChelseaKrost: Just like setting up a budget for anything else business related- you must first figure out what your current expenses are. Evaluating your current expenses will allow you to see how much money you may or may not have to work with.
@MelsStyles: When thinking of your pop-up budget, the largest buckets are usually rent, staffing and custom elements
@LeadInStilettos: When developing your budget don’t forget about collaborations and partnerships. How can you create a win-win for many?
@ChelseaKrost: My #1 most important thing to consider: WHAT THE GOAL/OBJECTIVE IS! Once you have clear goal(s) for the pop-up, you can start to dive deeper into the important details.
@MelsStyles: Always think through what activities you plan to host in your space aside from sales so flow is purposeful and adaptable.
@JenOleniczak: For us, it was making sure everyone knew it was happening! Get that audience in the door!
@ChelseaKrost: Think #socialmedia but not just any average post will do the trick! Go live on your channels. People
seeing the story & purpose behind a brand and what they are up to. Show some behind the scenes action of prep for the pop-up to create buzz for the event!
@MelsStyles: Identify key influencers (genuine to the brand) to help jumpstart awareness
@ArtistCarlosE: Set up the RIGHT TIME & PLACE to set up Pop-Events, start those Marketing (Online & Offline) Techniques, Work with trusted retailers or departments, and keep on using Social Media! 😀
@ChelseaKrost: #VirtualReality and #Augmented reality add a great experiential factor to your event and enhance the shopping experience. Shoppers can now virtually try on clothes or take a ride on virtual attractions and so much more!
@MelsStyles: Augmented reality is a great way to further immerse shoppers on the possibility of your products
@DanielPronych: A digital storefront skips the brick and mortar while enabling viewing that may not even be easy to accomplish a brick and mortar store! Still not the same as touching, though AR & VR can be used to visualize in environments that may be tougher in-store!
@ChelseaKrost: Influencer takeovers’ are popular for events. This means he/she will take over your social media channels leading up to the day (via posting content & going live) to announce they will be at the event and chat about all the great things that will be going down.
@MelsStyles: Influence marketing is key to pop-up events, but must been done in an authentic way. Content marketing by influencers can go a long way, as well as selecting a couple of key influencers to host in-store event.
@pjervis: Influencers can help bring the crowd in especially on social. Inviting them to the event, giving behind the scenes scoops, Insta-Story take overs. Meet and greets.
@MelsStyles: Top trends for pop-ups in 2019 are: immersive (instagram worthy) environments, scent infusion and plant life
@LeadInStilettos: Beauty, fashion, entertainment, and food would be my votes.
Melissa and I also chatted on her ‘Tuesday Talks’ Instagram Live…check it out here ⬇️
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