So, you’re in product creation mode, but where do you start? Well, according to behavioral scientist and entrepreneur, Matt Wallaert, you start at the end! Hmmm, what exactly does that mean? Well, it means putting behavioral change at the forefront of your creation process. Often entrepreneurs and companies focus too much on creating and not enough on what they actually want consumers to do with the product or service!
In this week’s #MillennialTalk chat, we discussed the in’s & out’s of building products that create change based off of Matt’s new book, “Start at the End, How to Build Products That Create Change”. From changing your own behavior, recognizing which product best represents your identity, to how successful companies look at product creation- we covered it all.
Stop creating products, start producing C H A N G E ????
Scroll down for a recap of this weeks Q&A:
@ChelseaKrost: After recently attending a yoga retreat in Greece, I decided to change MY behavior by tuning into what my mind/body needs. I have changed my schedule to incorporate more yoga and meditation into my daily morning routine.
@mattwallaert: I really wanted to focus on Bear during our weekend time, which meant less distraction from phone. So I separated into a work phone and a personal phone, and stuck the work phone in my bag so it doesn’t get looked at until Bear has bedtime. Without the promoting pressure that is the excuse of “looking at my phone to check on work”, I just find myself look at the phone a ton less. Simple behavioral hack.
@DrTamaraWDias: Intentionally working to start my days earlier. Waking up at 5am instead of 6am made a huge difference. I started getting up at 5:30, did that for a few weeks before attempting 5M. I get so much done!
@ChelseaKrost: My new juicer ???? I wanted to incorporate healthy juices into my diet, but found myself always going to my local juice bar & spending a lot of $/bottle. So, I finally invested in my own juicer and now make my own right from my kitchen. Talk about a ???? saver.
@mattwallaert: Airpods. They are always in my blazer pocket and I now take many more calls walking rather than seated.
@tschill86: The @bestselfco Journal, it gave me more structure and visualization of goals, tasks, milestones to achieve. Before I would have them down in my head or didn’t make plans to really achieve them. I needed a change and daily writing helped with the process
@ChelseaKrost: Yes! I have suffered from hyperhidrosis (excess sweating) for a while now and found a mini fan that is powered by plugging it right into my iPhone. I’ve recommended it to so many people because of its convenience…especially during this hot FL summer ☀️
@mattwallaert: You know, it is funny, I’m not a big recommender of things nor do I solicit many recommendations. I do love summaries from folks though – rather than telling me why I should buy it, tell me why you loved it!
@WendyMSHRMPHR: Absolutely! In my field, HR, recommendations are key. Outside of work, I do so as well. I think it’s our responsibility to share things and knowledge with others.
@ChelseaKrost: I would have to say my iPhone ???? as a woman who is always on the go, the iPhone is easily transportable and allows me to work from anywhere. As a social savvy #millennial, I love being able to keep up with all my social networks/apps in one place.
@mattwallaert: My cowboy boots. They’re worn in, clearly functional, and speak to both my personality and my past.
@ChelseaKrost: Might sound old fashioned for a #millennial like myself, but I have to say I love my hot hair rollers. I’m not into all of the new/fancy/high-tech hair tools out there. My hot rollers have always done the trick for me- great curls with just enough bounce ????
@mattwallaert: I have been wearing @johnvarvatos 40R blazers for about ten years.
@FlannCasey: @AnnTaylor. I’ve been shopping there since 2011 and am willing to pay the price for quality products.
@ChelseaKrost: Most successful companies today try to do one simple thing: solve a problem. Once they have identified a problem consumers are facing, they then create a plan to see how they can produce a product to fill the wants and needs of their consumers.
@mattwallaert: I think what is important here is reliably successful. Lots of companies blunder into one good product; the right people to emulate are folks like @microsoft, who have managed to do it repeatedly over a long period. But really: they science it. They have a clearly articulated behavioral goal, they understand the pressures that create the current state of the world, then they build what modifies the pressures.
@kushaanshah: The Hooked model (via Nir Eyal) does a great job navigating how products become successful. Figure out what the user really wants, find the best way to promote to them using external triggers, make the reward fulfilling, and increase likelihood of returning.
@ChelseaKrost: Organic! I like to keep my diet as organic as possible because of the many benefits: fewer pesticides, better for the environment etc. I fully support @DavidWolfe’s message #Organic
@mattwallaert: Cruelty-free.
@jeremypmurphy: Organic connects with me the strongest. Healthy living to me is based upon buying/consuming organic products whenever possible so my family and I can be healthy, well, and avoid illness. More organic plants
@ChelseaKrost: I think this quote from #SteveJobs explains it all
@mattwallaert: Too many people focus on what they are creating, instead of what they want to be true because they created it. “Start At The End” is about putting behavioral change front and center in the creation process as the explicit goal of everything we make.
@mattwallaert: Promoting pressures (things that make a behavior more likely) and inhibiting pressures (things that make a behavior less likely). They matter because we can’t directly intervene on behavior – what we do is change the pressures that create the behavior.
@RyBen3: This goes back to what great brands do well at the start. The competing pressure I see in new companies: driving sales but wanting to build a brand at the same time. It’s hard to be patient to build the tribe. If you’re not making money, then why are we here?
@ChelseaKrost: A behavioral statement should express what action you want your audience to take and what they are trying to accomplish.
Example of my behavioral statement: When entrepreneurs want to boost their brand and gain more business exposure, they will connect with me for a one on one coaching session.
@mattwallaert: A behavioral statement is the heart of starting at the end; it is the articulation of population, motivation, limitations, behavior, and measurement that describe where you are trying to arrive at a behavioral endpoint. “When a POPULATION wants to MOTIVATION, and they LIMITATIONS, they will BEHAVIOR (as measured by DATA).”
@OfficialMaleeka: I like the twist on this one. I believe a behavioral statement should detail a standard of being. It should let people know what they can expect from you and perhaps, what you expect from them.
@ChelseaKrost: Personally, I am more inclined to leave a positive review. When I connect with a product/service/employee on a deeper level and feel that they/it has made a true difference in my user experience, I want to let everyone know 🙂
@mattwallaert: So it turns out that it depends a lot on what you’re reviewing. Identity-relevant products see a lot of both valences; functional is mostly positive (it worked).
@PokeyLuWho: I’m more likely to leave a review about a positive experience. I’m generally a positive person and giving a negative review would make me feel bad. However, I have reached out to brands when I’ve had a bad experience and they usually right the wrong.
@Neil_ODonnell: We are more likely to leave a negative review I think. We grow comfortable with products; we more likely will react in a big way when we have a bad experience
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