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5 Distant Learning Study Tips To Keep You On Track

5 steps for remote learning

Online learning can be something of a mixed blessing. While the convenience is undeniable, distance learning can feel isolating at times. Without face-to-face contact with your teachers or classmates, it’s up to you to keep yourself on track. This flexibility often results in analysis paralysis – with so many options for where, when, and how to study, many students flounder.

There’s no denying the challenges of distance learning, but such challenges are not insurmountable. With the right plan in place, anyone can achieve academic success with online learning. Allow these tips to guide you through.

Tip #1: Choose a Dedicated Study Space

Whether you’re studying from home, in an apartment, or at a dorm on campus, it’s important to set aside a designated workspace with everything you’ll need to study. You don’t need a lot of space for this. A desk is great, but if all you have is the end of a dinner table or corner of your room, that’s fine, too. Ideally, your space will be quiet and private, too. Wherever you decide to work, pick a place and stick to it. It’ll be easier to work when you have all your supplies ready at hand.

Not everyone has the luxury of a quiet study spot. A good pair of headphones can do wonders to eliminate distractions, though. Plugin and turn on one of the many study playlists available on Youtube or Spotify. Ultimately, you want to drown out background noise without distracting yourself from the task at hand. Be sure to turn off any distracting notifications on your phone, too.

Tip #2: Create a Routine

A daily routine can do wonders for your studies. Structure in your routine, allows you to maintain focus, productivity, and organization no matter what else is going on in the world. Start by creating a calendar with your class times, any upcoming assignments or tests, and any deadlines you have approaching. Block out time in your day to address each of these and you’ll find it easy to stay on top of things.

Of course, it’s also important to schedule in time to relax. Our brains need breaks in order to fully process all the information we learn in a day. Make time for walks, chats with friends, and meals. Try using the Pomodoro Technique for your schedule. It tasks you with working diligently for 25-minute chunks followed by five-minute breaks. You can also check out additional tips and tricks for effective learning from none other than Forbes!

Tip #3: Get Organized

Getting organized early in your studies is the key to staying on track. Create a plan to keep all of your study materials in one place. This could take the form of a folder on your desktop or a physical filing system of all the notes you take by hand. Whatever your preference, getting organized is a must if you’re hoping to stay on track with distance learning.

To get truly organized, though, you may want to spend some time cleaning up your desktop. A messy desktop is a lot like a messy bedroom floor – it may be tolerable for a while, but the more things pile up, the harder it becomes to find anything. While you’re at it, rethink your desktop wallpaper, too. A motivational quote or photo can do wonders to inspire you to stay on track while you’re studying or working remotely.

Tip #4: Find a Study Buddy

Distance learning can be isolating, but there are real opportunities for connection, too. Being physically removed from your friends and classmates doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Reach out to others frequently via email, text message, or chat. Video calls are another great way to stay connected. Just having a friend to vent to about your studies can help relieve stress and keep you motivated.

Nothing beats cramming in the campus library with friends over coffee, but virtual study sessions can be fun, too. Hanging out, quizzing each other with practice questions, and exchanging notes can all be done successfully over video calls. While studying over Zoom is unlikely to be anyone’s first choice, it’s important not to knock it before you try it.

Tip #5: Practice Self-Care

Self-care isn’t just about fitting exercise into your day, either. Getting adequate nutrition, sleep, and time to relax is just as important. It’s also important to know when to ask for help.

After a long day at the computer, it’s hard to get motivated to do much else. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to practice self-care at every opportunity. A simple walk around the neighborhood can break up the day while ensuring you get in some much-needed exercise. Fresh air is an underrated study aid! You’ll return to your desk refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Check out these additional self-care tips and ways to stay sharp.

Wrapping Up

Distance learning is an adjustment for everyone, and your teachers want you to be successful. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to a trusted friend or professor about your concerns. You might be surprised at the solutions they come up with to help.

Author Bio: 

Gary Habermann has been working in the education industry for over 35 years with educators to integrate the use of technology to enhance the educational process. In 2000 I was select by Network World as one of the top 100 IT professionals for our innovative use of technology with a university in Chester PA. He currently works with Exam Edge and continues to fuel his passion for helping others through education.



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