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Time Magazine's New Millennial Cover Spotlights Millennials- Good Thing or Bad?

tim313e82c68c0c700eca48bf7280bSince the now viral cover “The Me Me Generation” of Time Magazine’s May 20 issue is only currently available digitally to Time’s subscribers, there has been a social media frenzy regarding the cover. How many people though have actually read the article?

I have received many requests for comments regarding Joel Stein’s article and feel that this will just empower Millennials even more to prove that they are the generation to provide “positive” changes in the world.

The Time Magazine cover is the perfect example of why it is so important to have a Millennial platform that highlights incredible people within the generation that are defeating those stereotypes.

The Chelsea Krost Show strives to bring these amazing Millennials to the forefront and celebrate their goals and accomplishments.

Here is a recent Chelsea Krost TV Show that is all about what the Millennial Generation is doing to benefit others and dispel the myths about their being lazy, narcissistic, and lacking goals.




6 Responses

  1. I applaud you and what you do for the ‘Millennial’! We must individualize each being! From young to mature!! I deal w/ many adults that are so entitled and have the ‘me, me, me’ mantra and I feel if we start to empower the young generation we can make a difference! I empower students daily! Why can’t we focus on the positive w/ the younger generation?!!! #makeadifference

    1. Absolutely Reiko!! Why are we always tearing down and not looking at the amazing and extraordinary things young people are accomplishing; perhaps more than any other generation.

  2. The so called ‘me me me’ generation in my eyes is often misunderstood. I have never met a more caring and giving generation yet, despite the aging critics attitudes! I see them as innovators and a generation that will offer change as long as the status quo gives them room to prosper. No matter, they will take matters into their own hands and do what they do, ‘create change’. There are some real thought leading Millenials that deserve some credit and one of them is you Chelsea! When I hear people talk about the Millennial generation I often wonder where they got their information. One things for sure they are truly resilient. Countless times I have seen other generations get down on them only for Millenials to shove it back in their face. In my opinion I see envy eventually turned into jealousy and that never goes anywhere good. Its hard for older generations to welcome new thoughts and change. Change is always tough on the human heart, but its part of life, so get used to it. Millenials have dealt with the most change out of anyone. Constant innovations force them to redefine their place in modern society and among peers. At least my generation could run with stone washed jeans for a few years and be happy with it. LOL! For Millenials its out of style before it get shared on Twitter. That has to take a toll on a person but like I said, this is a generation of resilience with a passion for change. Give them a chance I say, its important!
    Continue leading the pack Chelsea, you are a wonderful person that always has her heart in the game. That’s truly noble of you. For all you haters and critics that say Millenials have no heart, look at yourself in the mirror, when was the last time they were talking about your generation changing anything but the channel on the ‘whatever tube’. Thanks again for all you do Chelsea, you are a leader for sure. Love your show, radio and TV, see you on Twitter!
    Aunt Ruby

  3. Hey Chelsea,

    First off, major props to you for the great work that you are doing with and for millennials! You represent your generation well. I think that Joel did a good job with the article in sharing his perspective and elevating a conversation that needs everyone’s involvement. Millennials’s aren’t in this thing alone. Each generation has a purpose and a responsibility to the generation’s before and after it. I’ve submitted a more elaborate response that you may or may not have read already at the following link…



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