Whether you’re extremely tech savvy or hold decades of life experience, there is always room to learn and grow personally and profesionally. Working in a multigenerational workplace comes with it’s benefits… but it definitely has it’s obstacles as well.
So, the big questions is…can five distinct generations work together and communicate efficiently?
During this week’s #millennialtalk, we spoke with workplace expert, Lindsey Pollak, about “How to Lead and Succeed in the Multigenerational Workplace.”
Let’s evolve TOGETHER! Scroll down to read the recap of this week’s #Millennialtalk Q&A
@ChelseaKrost: With 5 generations under one roof and the rapid advancement in technology just within the past 10 years – there is a serious difference in mindset and experience trying and attempting to work “seamlessly” together
@lindseypollak: With five distinct generations working together for the first time in history, the biggest challenge is making yourself adaptable to diverse expectations and work styles.
One study found that 81% of today’s workers say the primary challenge between generations in the workplace is communication styles. Does that resonate with you?
@evilgeniuslead: I suppose it depends which generation you ask, but the root cause is trouble communicating and understanding perspectives of each generation along with setting clear expectations
@ChelseaKrost: It is best when Baby Boomers & Gen-Xers (all generations) lean in vs lean out. It is time to acknowledge change & not resist to encouraging feedback from and being open to hearing different perspectives or way of doing something. Collaboration and communication is key .
@lindseypollak: Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to talent management. Millennials and Gen Zs will expect more customized coaching and career path options. All generations want this, but Ms and Zs tend to be more vocal about it. Take time to really LISTEN to what younger talent — no, all talent — wants. Leadership is more of a two-way street today and employers who listen are the ones people want to work for.
@RachelYancius: Be open minded! Nothing is worse than a leader who can’t accept millennials because of the negative stereotypes about our gen (every gen has these btw)…
@ChelseaKrost: CROWDSOURCE FEEDBACK, what we think may not be what the team thinks or wants. Ask questions and implement suggestions. Talk is cheap – ACTION speaks loud and creates more impactful results.
@lindseypollak: Get in the habit of connecting people to PURPOSE in their daily work. Every generation wants to feel valued and like they are contributing to a greater mission. Another cross-generational leadership suggestion is to always explain “the why” behind your decisions and requests. This gives employees of all generations a sense of ownership and connection to the larger organization. Stop the generational shaming! Do not make fun of other generations, or your own. No one benefits from that. I wrote about unconscious bias here: https://www.lindseypollak.com/unconscious-bias-multigenerational-workplace/ …
@charumisra: Establish respect and understand that a multi-generational team is your USP — use it to create your value prop & competitive advantage
@ChelseaKrost: Email, @skype, and @whatsapp are great, but true rapport comes from developing a real relationship. Take the team out of the office every now and then to really encourage more communication, awareness, and empathy for the team.
@lindseypollak: Great question. Too many team leaders rely on one single method of communication, most often email. I advise leaders to add more ways to reach their employees – video, social, Slack, etc. ONE COMMUNICATION DOES NOT FIT ALL! My #1 communication tip is to ask people (of all generations) how they prefer to communicate. You’re most likely to have your message received when you use the tool that the other person prefers. It’s a tip from one of my favorite leadership books…
What if we each added one additional communication tool to our usual ones? If you usually email, then pick up the phone. If you hold meetings on the phone, consider a videoconference. Shake things up and see if more people listen and respond.
@SailorsBen: I think any communication gap can be filled with – more communication. I talk to my co workers. Just today I got to hear a great story of how someone I work with helped design the UI of the original Windows OS. That was amazing. Talk to those you work with! Another thing I’d add is that people LOVE to talk about themselves. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests (thanks Dale Carnegie). Also talk to whoever you want! Most people love to talk and are open to someone just wanting to have a good conversation.
@lindseypollak: Action: Encourage everyone on your team to build a more cross-generational professional network. When was the last time they had coffee with someone of another generation? Get to know people to build better understanding and to achieve more together. Invite and practice apprenticeship! There are so many amazing people out there with the skills others need. Give generously of your skillset and apprentice yourself to people who have the skills you lack. Ask members of every generation what they would change about your organization and then task them to solve those challenges. Invite people to contribute to and invest in your culture.
@GenePetrovLMC: The impetus is really on the older generations reaching out and trying to understand the younger generations. This seems to be happening more with mentorship in the workplace.
@ChelseaKrost: 2019 WORKFORCE TRENDS: -More remote work opportunity -Flex hours -Core team leadership workshops -Uplevel talent from within -More self-learning opportunities
@lindseypollak: Increased attention to aging Boomers in the workforce. I predict more attention by companies to recruiting “unretiring” Boomers and “boomeranger” alumni to fill jobs and consulting roles. 2019: More creative employee benefit offerings. More attention to creative flextime offerings, student loan repayment, wellness benefits, mental health support and more. Here are some articles on the topic: https://www.lindseypollak.com/employee-benefits-multigen-workplace/ …
@charumisra: The significance of company culture was huge in 2018, excited to see what 2019 holds with a new generation in management positions and how that affects the meaning of company culture. Perhaps more remote working?
There are many obstacles that a business might face, including miscommunication in a multigenerational workplace. Many of these obstacles can be simplified! Learn “How To Simplify The Complexities of Business HERE!