Tomorrow after The Chelsea Krost Show at 8pm EST I will be hosting a Twitter party with @MasterCardNews to talk about the great #InternsWanted program.
Here is how to join the Twitter Party:
• All you have to do is go to and login through Twitter.
• Then enter the hashtag internswanted at the top of the page (FYI – the “#” is already there, so no need to add again).
• After you enter internswanted at the top of the page you officially have entered the party.
Below is more info on the #InternsWanted Campaign and how to apply.
Let’s chat away!!!
More About #InternsWanted
Through the #InternsWanted campaign, MasterCard wants to find ambitious Millennials with big ideas for a cashless future.
Here’s how to apply:
Submit a cover letter and résumé on LinkedIn – links below.
• Purchase, NY
• St. Louis, MO
• Toronto, Canada
Also include a link to a creative submission for a product, system, app, or technique that can help people go cashless in the future. How you show this is entirely up to you. You could go cash-free for an entire week and document the experience. Or design an online marketing campaign about smartphones replacing wallets. Whatever you do, just make it as thoughtful and innovative as possible. FYI, this is not the place for essays or thesis papers.
Your submission could be:
• A blog post
• A Facebook page or campaign
• A video
• A series of tweets
• Anything that shows us how innovative you can be
Before you apply:
Take your experiment online and see how well it performs in the social space. The more likes and retweets you get, the better your chances of getting noticed. Don’t forget to use the #internswanted hashtag so we can find you.
Upload your cover letter and resume on LinkedIn. There will also be a field for you to post a link to your creative submission. You won’t be able to send us your creative submission directly.
After you apply:
Don’t forget to follow @MasterCard (@MasterCardCA if you’re in Canada!) on Twitter. We’ll let you know shortly after the application deadline via Direct Message if you’ve made our short list.
The U.S. campaign will run from March 14 to April 10, 2013. The Canada campaign will run from March 7 to April 7, 2013.
I am working with MasterCard as a paid spokesperson for their #InternsWanted program. All opinions are my own.