Real estate, 401(k), stocks, bonds, IRAs, business…these are all types of money investments that you may hear about day in and day out. But what about the other types of investments? The intangible ones? The following categories are things we do not always typically associate with investing. I am speaking of investing in relationships & your health to enhance your overall quality of life. By investing in the following we can understand that life is not just simply measured by dollar amounts, material items and “Keeping up with the Joneses.”
This does not just include your significant other, but also your family, friends, mentors, professors, cohorts, neighbors, co-workers, etc. You are surrounded by an unbelievable wealth of resources in terms of your relationships. If you are seeking a wealth of advice, you may turn to your best friend. If you are seeking a wealth of knowledge, you may reach out to a previous professor. If you are seeking a wealth of professional development, you may schedule a meeting with your work superior. If you are seeking a wealth of definitions on what it means to “love,” “share,” or even “mourn” you may look towards your family. If you are in search of a wealth of home improvement ideas, you may share a lunch with one of your neighbors who is considerably crafty. If you are seeking a wealth of support in your growth towards your goals you may turn to your significant other. If you invest in relationships with those around you, you begin to realize how wealthy you really are. With the technological landscape today, we are more fortunate than we have ever been. By a simple click of “Send” via our smart phone text messaging or email inbox, we can reach out to someone who truly makes an impact on our life. Consider yourself rich with relationship resources!
We are living, breathing, humans. We are able bodied and have the opportunity to strengthen our bodies in incredible ways. Even those who have physical disabilities have conquered amazing physical feats. Take Bethany Hamilton ( “Soul Surfer,” or Anthony Robles ( who now has “Team Unstoppable.” There is an amazing list of athletes who overcame adversity in order to continue to perform.
When we invest in our health, whether that means attending a gym, running outside, hiking, kayaking, pilates videos, etc. we are developing positive habits that will stretch into various facets of our life. Have you ever noticed that when you work out on a regular basis, you all of the sudden forget about the sugar and crave the good stuff (veggies, fruits, ditching the soda for water)? That all of the sudden you have more energy, and can sleep better at night (no more tossing & turning)? Then all the sudden, you are inspired to motivate others to explore ways to enhance their health as well? The effects are contagious.
Not only can you invest in your physical health, but your emotional/mental health as well. This can include writing, meditating, drawing, praying, singing, or whatever you may be interested in. Investing in getting to know your inner self to recognize all that you are capable of. By investing in your health – whether physical or emotional, you are experiencing a wealth of motivation, inspiration, and the growth of positive habits in your life (I highly recommend reading The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg for more on this concept). Consider yourself rich with strength, ability and health.
The overall theme is that: wealth does not always need to be measured by monetary value. You can invest in relationships and health to create an overall better quality of life. Do not stress that you may not have enough money set aside in your 401(k), or that you do not have enough money to satisfy purchasing the best house on the block. Look to the people that surround you and your ability to strengthen your health to improve your quality of life. From there, you will be amazed at how the rest will follow. So forget about keeping up with the Joneses – as Baz Luhrmann said in his infamous Wear Sunscreen commencement speech: “The race is long and in the end…it’s only with yourself.”