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How to Get Healthy Through Trial and Error


The moment I graduated from university, a switch went off in my brain that made me suddenly want to become a super healthy, fit and active person. I had basically spent the past four years of my life stress eating my way towards a Bachelor’s degree; if it was cheap, filling and gave me somewhat of an energy boost – I’d consider it gourmet. As for exercise, unless you count the fierce dance moves that I’d bust out every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night then, no, I didn’t do much “working out.”

Fast forward two years and I now go to the gym at least three times a week, I’ve completely stopped drinking pop (which is a big deal for a former Coca Cola fiend) and, where others crave candy, I find myself drooling over the likes of quinoa, spinach and green tea.

Granted, finding this level of consistency in my new healthy lifestyle did not come easy. It’s one thing to work tirelessly towards advancing your career, but it’s a whole other ball game to put that much time and effort into taking care of your personal health. For the first year that I was out of school, my “healthy” lifestyle would come in waves: there was my pre-Miami workout regimen, my two-week experiment with being gluten-free and that one time I dropped a ridiculous amount of money to take a pole dancing course with my best friend.

Only after having tried my hand at virtually every fitness/health fad possible, was I able to find a consistent routine that “fits” (pun intended) into my lifestyle.

If you also feel that it’s time to make a transformation but struggle to find a routine that’s right for you, then do what I did and get better through trial and error.

Dread waking up in the mornings? Hit the gym after work, go for a run in the evening or do some yoga before bed.

Prefer to spend your evenings on the couch? Wake up earlier than you normally do and get a workout in before you head to the office.

Too shy to workout in front of strangers? Take advantage of all the free resources the internet has to offer and subscribe to different YouTube channels that provide you with countless workouts to do from the comfort of your own home.

Not a fan of doing things alone? Find a friend who can be your workout partner and take on those challenges together.

Get easily distracted? Follow accounts on social media that are targeted towards promoting health and fitness. If you have an Instagram account, lookup the hashtag #fitness or #fitspiration and get inspired by the progress other people have made.

Struggle with consistency? Remember that motivation is not something you feel once in your life and then get to keep forever. If you miss a workout or have one too many slices of cake – that’s okay! Don’t let one bad day become anything more than just a bad day! Shake it off, remind yourself of your goals and start fresh tomorrow.

There is no right or wrong way to be healthy. You’re smart enough to know what’s good for you so do your research, try different things and start making those small changes that fit within your lifestyle. If you don’t like running, go for a walk. If you hate green tea, try earl grey. It really is that simple! You can’t expect results overnight but if you keep trying, you will find that the benefits pour into every aspect of your life. You wake up in a better mood, you are more productive at work and you walk around the streets with your head held high, feeling like there’s nothing that you can’t do.

You know what, millennials? You’re right – there’s nothing that you can’t do!

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