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How to take what you truly love and make it your foundation

“You do what for a living?” is how a woman I was on a date with responded after I told her that I was a “customer experience specialist.”

You see, my foundation and passion is customer service. It’s not the sexiest of industries or professions, but it allows me to live a life that continuously has me smiling. I willingly wake up at 5am and depending on my schedule I may call it quits at 7pm. In fact, I’m writing this for you at 7:45pm on a Monday while I watch Monday Night Football. When I was a disengaged millennial, I found myself watching the time pass me by and waiting for the day to end. I knew this was not the way I wanted to live my life.

Ask yourself, “What one thing would genuinely get me out of bed at 5am?”

However you responded to that question should be your foundation. Now, am I saying quit your current job or career and pursue one in hair styling? No…not yet.

Before you conclude that your passion isn’t something you can build a business around, I will politely correct you. If your passion is stamp collecting, be the best damn stamp collector in the world. Did you know that the American Philatelic Society has 33,000 members and that the Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries Inc. has hosted 1,037 auctions of stamps and covers? Neither did I but after a quick search I was able to find this out. Thank you, Google!

The point I’m trying to make is that no matter how unconventional your passion might be there is a market for it. If there isn’t, this is even better because you can make one. When I first started studying customer service my friends were all becoming lawyers, doctors and other higher profile professions but I knew what I wanted in life and continued to have laser focus to ensure I achieved it.

The first step to springboard from a life of mediocrity to success is understanding what makes you happy. As I mentioned in my first post, I don’t want this series to come across as a kumbaya or rah rah session but it’s true. To be happy with your life you need to find what will get you out of bed before your alarm clock.

Are there days when I want to pull my hair out? Of course! Have there been days when I really had to look in the mirror and question my approach? Absolutely! If either of these things didn’t happen then I would question why it’s been so easy. Nothing worth having is ever easy.

After you have determined what motivates you and makes you happy, you should set a timeline on when you are going to go all in. For example, you can say, “I’m going to leave my current job in 18 months” which will give you plenty of time to plan your strategy and make sure you have money in the bank to support you during the beginning.

Throughout this series, I’m going to help you plan how you can go from realizing your passion and taking action but before we do that, can I hold you accountable?

Again, take a moment and think about what really makes you happy. When you have decided, comment below and let us know why it makes you happy. You may not be one to comment on blog posts often but please make this happen.

Thanks for stopping by. The next post is titled “How to Ask Anyone to be Your Mentor”



6 Responses

  1. The business aspect and material culture of fashion make me happy. No idea how to monetize. But I’d definitely get out of bed at 4:58 am for this career.

    1. Hi Danyell-

      Awesome! Let me give it a go, this might not be the best strategy but it might get your thought process going.

      Start a blog (I know how original) and start to position yourself as an expert in fashion. There are 1000’s of fashion bloggers out there so you need to figure out what makes you different. There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of customer service bloggers so my differentiating point is that I’m a “millennial customer service expert.”

      Produce amazing content once/week for 1-2 years, build community and trust then sell your community something (ie. ebooks) or have an affiliate program (ie. sell someones product on your site). There are so many revenue streams. My friend is a fashion blogger and he charges business people monthly to help build their wardrobe for work attire.

      Hope this helps.

  2. Writing makes me happy, specifically journalistic writing. I love telling people’s stories because so many important voices are not heard. I would go to bed at 2am and wake up at 4:30am to cover something! Sadly, breaking into the industry is so hard.

    1. Hi Julia-

      I would start a company and focus on small businesses. I’m sure many small businesses could carve out a small budget for you to write about them and be their PR/editorial partner/story teller. It’s something you could do in the evenings/weekends and when you have enough clients you could leave your current employer.

      Start small and think long term. I hope this helps you.


  3. I love this! My passion is writing, and also the athletic race industry. Right after graduation I knew I wanted to be my own boss, so I am piecing together my own business within these industries! It is hard work but I am much happier than being in a 9-5.

    I think it is great to combine your passions to “create” your foundation for work. Don’t worry about fitting into a box.

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