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5 Brilliant Fitness Ideas Every Full-Time Working Gal Should Try

Wanting a well-developed career is a noble goal, and it does require plenty of sacrifices, tons of hard work, and god knows how many sleepless nights when you’re creating that “seal the deal” presentation. In the midst of that wonderful, thrilling career chase, you also want to work on your health and fitness, which calls for an equal amount of dedication. Having a fitness routine is not just essential for your physical stamina and health, but working out helps your mental health, too.

Despite the many perks of leading a healthy life, training included, sticking to your routine can be challenging. Especially when you find yourself prioritizing work over health, which might lead to chronic health troubles, such as lower back pain. Every full-time working lady leader out there should prioritize health as much as business – here’s how you can do it seamlessly and painlessly.

Choose to be active every time

choose to be active

Fitness isn’t about those two or three training sessions you have in your schedule. It’s much more about the effort you put into your day to weave some movement into your day as effortlessly as possible. Leading a sedentary life and spending so much time behind the computer, in meetings, or negotiating typically means that it’s difficult to burn as many calories as you consume, and your metabolism naturally slows down.

To counter that natural process and to keep your body active and engaged, you can start being more mindful of your activity choices. Do you take the elevator? Opt for the stairs, instead. If possible, cycle, jog, or walk to work instead of driving or taking the bus. Take a walking lunch break instead of merely sitting at your desk. Do a few stretches every couple of hours, get up from your desk, and move. A little can go a long way!

Have your very own home gym

Have your own home gym

It’s tough to come up with an excuse such as “I don’t have time to hit the gym” when it’s literally just behind your living room door, isn’t it? Setting up a little home gym of your own with some essential equipment is all it takes to get you moving as soon as you wake up.

To save time, you can find bumper weight plates online and other useful gear to put your muscles to work. Some weight training is a great way to sculpt your body, tone your muscles, and elevate your energy quickly.

Make sure you also use protective gear like gloves to prevent calluses, a yoga mat for any floor work, and wrist wraps if you really plan to put those weights to work.

Diversify with online workouts

diversify your workouts

Of course, even when you do set up your own training environment at home, you still might find yourself at a complete loss as to what to do. You can create your own home workout routines that will activate your entire body and every muscle group.

To enrich those workouts, which are not set in stone, you can follow fitness influencers on social media and look for dedicated training videos on YouTube, too. There are theme-based workouts, like those targeting your core, those without the use of any equipment, or those with weights.

You’ll also find workouts that differ in duration and difficulty, so that you can adapt to your energy levels and fitness goals with ease.

Get the clothes to motivate you

get the clothes for workout

When you’re overwhelmed with work, those deadlines looming around the corner, and plenty of events in your schedule, you need a little bit of a motivation boost. One of the simplest, yet most effective ways to do so?  Get yourself some workout clothes like leggings and tank tops, a supportive bra, and a pair of high-quality sneakers.

Putting on the right clothes puts you in the right mindset, as well. Combine that with your home gym and a few trusted workout videos waiting for you, and you’ll soon be prepared to have a morning workout routine to kick-start your day right.

Treat yourself

treat yourself

Leading a healthy life doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to forego all pleasures. In fact, when you strike that fine balance, you’ll be able to use those “guilty” pleasures to fuel your healthy decisions, too. As long as you have a dedicated plan, you’ll be able to stay away from poor decisions and stay inspired to be active every day.

For example, every month after you’ve been consistent with your workouts and healthy choices, you can get yourself your favorite ice cream, enjoy a piece of cake, or something along those lines. You can also treat yourself to a new piece of clothing, a great book, or a spa getaway. Motivating yourself in your busiest days will help you persevere for the long haul.

As hard as it is, fitness doesn’t have to be a hassle on your schedule or your energy. In fact, it can help you boost your everyday zeal for work and all other activities you wish to enjoy. It takes time to develop a routine that works, and yes, from time to time, that routine will still fail to deliver results. However, with consistency and some creativity, you’ll be able to adapt and overcome those obstacles and let your fitness routine fuel your personal and your professional goals.



Sophia Smith is a lifestyle and social media blogger, and graphic and UX designer. She is an aesthete and photography lover by heart who absolutely loves everything that includes visual communication. Lately, Sophia  writes about digital marketing topics, from content to social. She has contributed to a number of publications including Women Love Tech, Leader Maker, Legal Reader, BizCover, Businessing Mag, Ruby Connection, Monterey Premier, Pix Teller and many others. You can find out more about her writing by following her on Twitter.



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