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What Makes Millennials Happy In The Workplace

millennial talk march 11

Tonight at 8 pm EST on #MillennialTalk Twitter Chat, we will be discussing “What Makes Millennials Happy in the Workplace”.

Our guest tonight is Joan Kuhl, founder of Why Millennials Matter, a Gen-Y speaking and consulting company. Her experience of coaching and mentoring Gen-Y’ers about workforce issues- and being responsible for managing and developing them in a corporate environment- gives Joan a unique perspective. She works with clients to become Millennial Ready by accessing and developing programs, branding initiatives and management training to attract, retain and promote young talent.

Joan is the co-author of The First Globals: Understanding, Managing and Unleashing Our Millennial Generation with John Zogby, International founder of “The Zogby Poll”. Joan serves on the board for The Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute and Cosmopolitan Magazine Millennial Advisory Board.

Hope you will share this event on your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ page to help us reach even more Millennials!!!!

Join the conversation w/ @ChelseaKrost @MillennialTalk & @JoanSnyderKuhl tonight at 8 pm ET for #MillennialTalk on “What Makes Millennials Happy in the Workplace”!!



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