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Uncertain Markets and Curating Who You Are

Job Seekers

With many job opportunities and career paths out there, it can be all too easy to get lost in the mix. Particularly with an economy and market that is not at its best, millennials are faced with a tough decision: pay the bills or keep looking for the niche. However, there is also a middle ground to work with, whether you are currently where you want to be or not.

For example, you may be working retail when really you want to be a writer. Or perhaps you are in the restaurant business but wish to work in an office. Finding a balance in what we would like to spend our time doing and also ensuring we can still pay all we need to can be difficult but not impossible. There are four main ways that will aid you in getting to where you want to be:

1. Be flexible. There are advantages to being able to delegate your time and tasks. It is important to spend this interval curating who you are. Being able to juggle during the uncertain time points of your life forces you to begin believing in your capabilities and giving yourself time to grow. Nothing happens instantly, and management of multiple jobs or energy is part of the process.

It may be stressful, but being able to uphold the value you have during this time is critical to ensuring that value will continue to be nurtured. You may not have complete control and flexibility but being able to bend with the experience becomes a gift in your aptitude. While you are making plans, life and careers continue onward. You cannot let this deter you from trying.

2. Commit. This means spending time on your essays and resumes. The personal brand you have to offer when you meet with another company begins there. Though business itself often is not personal, you as an individual bring a variety of strengths that you want to be able to demonstrate. Your statement is your handshake, your first impression.

Take the time to research how best to write a resume, ask advice from others, put in the effort to ensure you are visible beyond that piece of paper. Furthermore, do research on what you are aiming for, find a mentor who can guide you and tell you more. Committing to your goals will then also be seen elsewhere – in your knowledge, connections, and resources.

3. Write. Similarly, write essays and journal, even if you do not consider yourself to be a writer. This is not only a therapeutic process, but it reinforces your ability to be self-aware. The practice of it will further aid you in being able to identify your plan, expectations, and understanding of who you are and the life you want.

4. Network. Join groups with your interests, network both on and offline with similar people, and get a discussion going. You can learn a great deal from others who are in the same place as you. Networking is a step toward continuing to curate a strategy for your objectives. If there is someone in a career you would like to be part of, ask them if they would be open to mentoring you. Learning from them how they achieved their success can go a long way in assisting you in your own path.

No matter the career you strive for, you have a voice that you can be building and utilizing for your benefit. Your personal brand begins now.

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2 Responses

  1. This was fantastic. I’m not much of a writer but I never thought about how it could help in a self-awareness type of way. Which then helps in other areas of life. Great piece, Ash.

  2. A well written and pragmatic article for those seeking career change or hoping to pursue their dreams in life.

    It may be just me and being well into middle age (48), but I just cannot get into the concept of applying marketing concepts to myself as a person. I can see the logic, in that one has to market one’s self for employment in the current economic and socio-technical environments. The basic principles of marketing would thus apply.

    What I can’t get over, though, is the sense that treating myself as a business entity and “branding” myself somehow limits me or constrains me as a person. Might be a generational thing, too.

    Maybe it’s time for a little Geritol and my afternoon nap. };-)>

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