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How to Get Back Up When You’ve Fallen Down in Your Career

How to get back up when you've fallen down in your career

Everyone wants to be successful. People want successful home lives, relationships, and careers. Achieving constant success, especially career success, isn’t easy, though. Occasionally, we may miss a deadline, lose an important client, or launch an ineffective campaign. When we make big career mistakes, it’s challenging to stay positive and passionate. Instead, we may feel exhausted, embarrassed, and discouraged.

Despite these negative feelings, it’s important to fight the urge to fall down and stay down. Whether you’ve failed your team or disappointed your boss, here are five ways to get back up when you’ve fallen down in your career:

Reflect. Many people think failure is bad. They think it is harmful and hurtful to people and careers. Failing can showcase weaknesses; however, it isn’t necessarily harmful. History has shown that failure is critically important to success; those that fail, and learn from their failure, are more successful in their careers (for example, Bill Gates). When we fail, it’s important that we take the time to reflect on what happened and on the resulting consequences. Reflection is the first step to ensuring we learn from our mistakes.

Plan. You’ve failed and you’ve reflected, now what? Make a plan! Take some time to plan out how to make up for your mistakes. Evaluate what you can and can’t do, and what is and isn’t acceptable—purchasing large gifts for your boss isn’t as effective (or, ethical) as improving your performance. Getting back on your feet may take time, but at least you’ll have an idea of where you’re going and how long it will take you to get there if you make a plan.

Set small, achievable goals. As part of your recovery plan, you should set small, achievable goals. Goals like “hand in every project one day early” or “build stronger relationships with existing clients” are good places to start. By setting and achieving small goals every day, you’ll slowly get back on your feet!

Chat and confide. Falling down is tough. It may benefit us in the long run, but it feels terrible in the moment. If you’re feeling low, confide to those who care about you. Most people have failed before, so it’ll be beneficial to chat with someone who understands what you’re going through.

Priorities. Sometimes, we need to look at why we failed in the first place. Are we struggling with health issues? Was there a tragedy in the family? Are we feeling tired, confused, or lost in regards to our career?

Whatever the issue is, think critically on how important it is compared to your career. If you and your family are going through a tough time, take a break from work and focus on your home life. You will perform better at work if you resolve any personal issues.

Everyone fails from time to time, but not everyone successfully handles failure. More than anything, it’s important to remember that you can get back up after you’ve fallen down—and the best way to do this is by following the above tips.



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