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A recent Harris Interactive study, commissioned by U by Kotex brand, found that more than half (51%) of girls say it’s hard to separate myths from facts when it comes to vaginal health.


That’s why I’m working with U by Kotex to help spread the message of Generation Know, the first generation of girls that is comfortable asking questions and sharing knowledge. Like I always say, “Knowledge is power.”

Khloe Kardashian Odom, Stephanie Kaplan Founder of, and I, teamed up to Bust some Myths on camera.

In this video below, you will hear why Khloe is passionate about being an advocate for Generation Know and how well Hercampus. and Mrs. Kardashian Odom know their Myths from Facts!

After our myth busting game, Hercampus Editor Hannah Orenstein and I took a visit to Marymount Manhattan College to post U by Kotex Generation Know myth posters in the student café, bulletin boards, and in the school halls. We hope to generate conversation amongst students and possibly intrigue them to visit

For every girl that joins, money will go toward Girls For A Change, a national non-profit organization that helps girls create change within their communities, to support educational trainings and action teams across the country.

Here are a couple shots that Hannah and I took while visiting Marymount Manhattan College.



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