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4 Awesome Things That Happen When Joining In on Twitter Chats


Twitter Chats have been gaining popularity over the last couple years for a really good reason. A Twitter Chat is an open forum which is hosted on Twitter by an organization or individual where they post a series of questions on a certain topic. Using an allotted hashtag for the discussion allows it to be more accessible. Twitter Chats have become a type of mini-class that allows you to discuss, learn and connect with other Twitter users on various topics.

If you are a consistent Twitter Chat participant or first-timer, then you may experience some of the aspects of joining in on the conversation. Here are some awesome takeaways from participating in Twitter Chats:

1. Gain followers

If you are looking to increase your followers or company’s followers, then engaging in Twitter Chats is an awesome way to do so. By commenting, following, retweeting or favoriting another participant’s content, you give that person a reason to respond to you in the same way.

If you or your company is an expert on the discussion topic, then Twitter users will look to you to provide facts, insights and first-hand accounts on that topic. It builds trust and credibility in you and your company, which may even help increase business and brand recognition. You may also find new business connections or people to collaborate with.

2. Learn/discuss topics that interest you

There are so many different chats on topics ranging from career, to creative, to internships, to technology, etc. that may catch your interest. There is a type of discussion out there for everyone, you just have to search and see which one you may want to partake in. If you can’t find one right for you, then go ahead and start your own!

Want to join Tweet Chats effortlessly? Here are some great tools:

Twitter Chats are a creative way to review and discuss topics you like even if the topic isn’t related to your 9 to 5. You may have an interest in writing and want to participate in a creative talk when your full-time job is in finance. You are guaranteed to walk away afterwards with a lot of great insight into that topic from different perspectives.

3. Be inspired

Twitter Chats can be very inspirational. A good Twitter Chat host enhances the conversation with motivational quotes, positive words of encouragement, welcoming participants and inspiring you to master the topic at hand. Other participants will offer up their advice and also motivate you to immerse yourself in your passion. Walking away from an awesome Twitter Chat with a fresh outlook or new ideas is rewarding; definitely one that you should experience for yourself.

4. Sense of community online

Connecting online is important, especially since the digital world can feel so isolating at times. When scrolling through all the Tweets with the discussion hashtag, you may come across people that have dealt with the same situations as you have or have the same questions that you do.

Helping others answer their questions by providing advice and also accepting advice given to you can be a fun way to learn and form new opinions. You will definitely feel a sense of community that roots for you, and you also get to root for other Twitter chatters in their journeys.

Chelsea Krost hosts a fabulous Twitter Chat called #MillennialTalk on Tuesdays at 5 PM PST. Join in and see for yourself what all the hype is about!



One Response

  1. I love these points – combined. Interacting with an audience about topics you are an expert in and they are passionate about is a powerful way to connect and keep the digital world from feeling so isolating!

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